The ASU Kern Grant is engineering leadership, faculty and staff partnering with the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) to integrate the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) in engineering education on a national scale. The project aims to: 1) develop resources that support mentorship of engineering faculty in building a community of practice that values quality teaching, impactful research, and instilling a collaborative and entrepreneurial mindset; and (2) impact ASU engineering students through curricular and co-curricular approaches by weaving the entrepreneurial mindset into the Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) culture, courses and student engagement activities.

Spanning six schools of engineering, plus Academic and Student Affairs, the project institutionalizes EM through:
- Facilitation of engineering faculty professional success utilizing EM-based mentorship
- Integration in introductory, sophomore-junior and capstone courses
- Faculty workshops providing mentorship of EM curricular integration and pedagogical approaches
- Direct to student content on the Earned Admissions MOOC-style environment
- Partnership with the National Academy of Engineering to facilitate growth in the Grand Challenges Scholars Program’s business/entrepreneurship competency
- Student programming/opportunities including research grants, mentorship through Entrepreneurial Catalysts and workshops: Robots That Matter, and Engineering Futures Tech + Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamps
For information or questions about the ASU Kern Project, please contact the Project Manager Senior, Layla Reitmeier.

FSE believes that investing in faculty mentorship positively impacts faculty as well as departments and institutions. We foster mentorship using an EM-based approach to provide opportunities that span a faculty’s career.

Twenty-five case studies that tell the story of FSE’s multi-year initiative to more fully and deeply integrate Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) throughout its core, co-, and extra-curricular programs.

The entrepreneurial mindset is not reserved for in classroom activities and faculty development. Student engagement opportunities and programs embedded with the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) provide additional context through hands on activities, grants, and mentorship.