Junior level class Entrepreneur and Value Creation is an exciting moment in one’s major where Business students and Engineering students meet each other in their curriculum. While students are used to staying in their lanes when it comes to their classes, especially in the later portions of their major, FSE 301, co-listed with ENT 360 allows business and engineering students to work hand in hand. These interactions stimulate the powers of diverse interests used in the day-to-day world of innovation. Computer Science and Barrett Honors student, Erick Ciudad, used this unique moment to tackle a rising problem with youths, incorrect posture.
Carlos, a 16-year-old high school student, wants a way to correct his posture but feels he doesn’t have the discipline to stand up straight on his own. He also wants something discrete because he doesn’t want his classmates to know.
A common problem Erick and his team identified when exploring people’s health and hygiene concerns are that many wished their posture would improve.
Many solutions already existed, but users were apprehensive about using them. Erick and his team decided to base their project on this problem and create Perfect Posture. Perfect Posture is a small electric device that would attach to the user and vibrate subtly to inform them their posture is incorrect, while still giving them the freedom to move around, and being discrete and lightweight.
Being in engineering, Erick feels like a lot of emphasis is placed on how to use and develop different technologies, but taking FSE 301 really put into focus the why of development: “We spend a lot of time learning to build these advanced technologies, and it’s really incredible what our majors have to offer, but the ultimate question that lies at the end of that process is how it will impact the world, and how much can it help”. He recommends everyone the option to take it to gain these soft skills that are so crucial in the real world.
Concept Images for Perfect Posture
Watch the Perfect Posture pitch here
Website: https://erickciudad.github.io/Perfect-Posture/#about-section